Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our Bog Walk

Yes, the first snowfall of the season has blanketed our town and forced many to dig out the snow shovel, find the ice scraper and top off the windshield washer fluid.  Here INORONO we might be complaining a but today's snow was little more than an inconvenience - although with the media hype I'm sure the local grocers all appreciate the increase in bread and milk sales.  
Today's winter weather had me already missing the autumn weather we INORONO love so much with the low, but still warm, sun and the crisp dry air.  Just a few short weeks ago Andi and spent a lovely afternoon at the Orono Bog walk and if you haven't been, you're missing a gem here INORONO.
The Bog was designated as a National Natural Landmark by the National Park Service in 1974 and in 2002 and 2003 a boardwalk was built to allow people to enjoy the natural wonder right here in our backyard.

The boardwalk is 4200 feet long and loops right through the heart of the 616 acre Orono Bog.  There are seven interpretive stations along the way and to get the full experience of the bog, be sure to read them all.  Flora and fauna are in different stages at different times of the year so don't be shy about coming back in the spring, summer and to enjoy the spectacular reds of fall.  With just about exactly a month left in this year's season, come explore the Bog before it closes for the winter.

Be sure to check out their website at

It's a bog, it's a boardwalk, it's cool and it's INORONO!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


When Tracy Darcy opened her Metropolitan Soul store in downtown Bangor six years ago, she liked to describe it by stating it was filled with "adornment and accessories for the body and home."  With the August opening of the downtown Orono store her eyes still sparkle when giving that description, while simultaneously calling the phrase "passe" and insisting on a one word description for this newest addition to Orono's business district; "eclectic." She follows with another single word, "Funky."  It isn't long before she adds "family friendly"and when pressed about "why Orono?" she can't help it when she confidently admits that while there is something for everyone here, she feels the store will fit into the "College Vibe".

Cara Oleksyk (pronounced like the 'car' and not 'care') was equally passionate and animated in her descriptions.  Cara focussed more on the artsy element of the store.  She loves the local art that is displayed and sold here.  Cara also loves the connections that are made when a local artist is given the opportunity not only to show work, but to be able to sell work and have a venue for the work to meet the customer and ultimately for the customer to know the artist.  "Local" was theme in speaking with Cara.  Bicycle parts from another downtown business, Rose Bike, are sent away to artisan instead of going to the landfill, and are made into useful, attractive and just plain cool accessories for the home, the dorm room or camp.  She loves this circle of life and art and I have to admit, I thought it was pretty cool.

Orono's Metropolitan Soul adds a new flair in downtown that compliments the other stores and adds a certain something that seems to make it fit right in and feel like it's been there longer than just since August.  You will find art, reusable hand-warmers, vintage clothing, shoes, many re-purposed items along with unique and practical gifts.  Who knew there was even such a thing as a personal birthday cake - complete with icing - that you simply mix up, throw in the microwave and present to that special someone?

Check out and find them on facebook.

Funky And Eclectic, the Metropolitan Soul is worth the visit and is another reason we love living INORONO!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blogging v Life Plus Some Beautiful Orono High School Seniors

I just knew this would happen.  Here I am a mere four posts into my blog and suddenly it's two weeks since my last entry.  Did I run out of ideas already?  No.  Have I lost my inspiration to talk about what makes Orono a great place to live?  No.  I simply ran out of time on my weekend to get it done.  Weekends, plural, actually.  Last weekend was dominated by softball and this one I spent in a classroom at Eastern Maine Community College doing my every-three-year Maine EMT refresher class.  I have, however, taken the liberty of showing off three examples of what makes Orono High School great.  Seniors Ashley Thibeault, Allison Walton and, of course, Andi Foster; a triple A of seniors, Allison, Andi, Ashley.  These three are busy enjoying their Senior Year and all that brings, balancing studies, social lives and that ever-looming College Application Season.  

Wherever you each end up for college, I'm certain you'll each be successful and rest assured, each of the Dad's will be close by, eating Tums and practicing our marksmanship!  :-)  Good luck ladies and don't forget about the rest of us here INORONO.