Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blogging v Life Plus Some Beautiful Orono High School Seniors

I just knew this would happen.  Here I am a mere four posts into my blog and suddenly it's two weeks since my last entry.  Did I run out of ideas already?  No.  Have I lost my inspiration to talk about what makes Orono a great place to live?  No.  I simply ran out of time on my weekend to get it done.  Weekends, plural, actually.  Last weekend was dominated by softball and this one I spent in a classroom at Eastern Maine Community College doing my every-three-year Maine EMT refresher class.  I have, however, taken the liberty of showing off three examples of what makes Orono High School great.  Seniors Ashley Thibeault, Allison Walton and, of course, Andi Foster; a triple A of seniors, Allison, Andi, Ashley.  These three are busy enjoying their Senior Year and all that brings, balancing studies, social lives and that ever-looming College Application Season.  

Wherever you each end up for college, I'm certain you'll each be successful and rest assured, each of the Dad's will be close by, eating Tums and practicing our marksmanship!  :-)  Good luck ladies and don't forget about the rest of us here INORONO.

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