Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kid Friendly, Dog Friendly, Heart Friendly - The Orono Farmer's Market

Ah, harvest time.
Fresh vegetables, fruit and bread.  What better way to start a late summer Saturday INORONO.

Since 1994 the Orono Farmer's Market has been bringing local residents together to visit, to chat and shop for our families.  Located in the University Steam Plant Parking Lot generally between Graduation and Homecoming, and in the Downtown Parking Lot, generally from Mid October until May, the market is THE place to go for fresh products!  With thirty-three members, all who come do so with products they produce.  From Apples to Zucchini, Cheese to Sausage, Beef to Wheat Grass, you can find a wide assortment of delicious, fresh and AWESOME food products.

Of course, some of the products are season-specific but even in the dead of winter, there are root crops, meats, cider, and maple syrup.  Many are "organic" and all will leave you wanting more.

September though, is the best!  Fresh sweet corn, blueberries, and apples.  It doesn't get any better.

So come visit if you haven't already discovered it.
Tuesdays 2p-5:30p June-October
Saturdays 8a-1p April-November

For more information on the Orono Farmer's Market please visit their website at

The Orono Farmer's Market - INORONO

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